Thursday, June 20, 2013

Start Earning Online Today from offernation

Worldwide Daily Surveys, Offer Walls, PTC Ads, Signup Offers & Videos.
We pay you a full 25% of everything your referrals earn for life.
Click here to view our payment proof page.
We Reward You For Completing Daily Surveys & Clicking WorldWide Offers.

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It only takes 60 seconds to join the fun and start earning at Offernation.

Earn Big

We pay you in points. Points can be redeemed for rewards and are paid daily.


Points can be converted into Amazon Gift Cards and other payment methods.

Get paida for testing sites

If you have a computer you can do it!
I earned $10-$120 per hour doing the following:

Test websites. $5-$10 per site
Answer online surveys. $2-20 per survey
Rate movies and TV shows. $15-$25 per show.
FREE online seminar on earning with surveys.
FREE introduction to online survey companies.
Click Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are the answers to common questions that visitors have about MyWebOpinions. We have also explained some of the common myths of paid surveys and the process after joining so you can get a better picture of how paid surveys work. If you still have questions after reading please do not hesitate to contact us.
1.) Can I really get paid just for taking surveys online?
Yes, this is very real way to make money online in the comfort of your own home. There are over 7 million companies that actively survey consumers to find the best way to promote their products. These companies are willing to pay you to give your opinion. Your opinion allows them to get in touch with consumers and their views, habits, and opinions. These companies are willing to pay you for your time!
2.) What is the difference between a survey and a focus group? Can I participate in both?
A survey is normally a page or two of questions. Surveys can range from 10 to 30 questions. They are normally short and take little time to fill out. Focus groups on the other hand are normally longer forms that can sometimes follow you for a few days about a particular subject. They might ask you a series of questions, receive your response and then ask you another series of questions. Because of this they pay much more. You can participate in surveys, focus groups or both depending on the time you have available.
3.) How do I know the companies will really pay me? What guarantee do I have that I will be paid?
All the companies on our list have been thoroughly researched. If a company was to not pay a survey taker we would be the first to know. Any company that would do that would be quickly removed from our list. In the many years we have been offering surveys we have never heard of a company that did not pay a survey or focus group participate. The companies we list are very reputable marketing companies that have a high standard of business.
4.) Can I do this from any computer? Do I need to download anything?
There is nothing to download. You do not need any special computer or operating system. You simply log in and find surveys. This can be done from any computer, at any time.
5.) I really love the free bonuses. How will I receive them? Do I need to do anything special?
All our free bonuses are available in our members area. You just log in after registration and redeem the free bonuses. You can log in anytime as many times as you wish and redeem the free bonuses.
6.) Can I trust these companies with my personal information and email address?
All the companies on our list have strict privacy polices. The only persons with access to your information will be the survey companies themselves. They are not allowed to share your information with anyone. This also means they can not sell or share your email address with any third party. You do not have to worry about getting Spam mail just because you sign up to take surveys.
7.) How many surveys can I take? How much income can I earn?
The amount of surveys taken, and income earned will depend on how much time and effort you put into the surveys. Average monthly income will depend on each individual, and their effort put forth. A person who checks their email often and responds to surveys invitations quickly, or logs into the members area to see what new surveys are available often will obviously make more than someone who only logs in one a week. Income is solely dependent on an individual’s effort and attention to survey offers.
8.) How am I paid and how often? Am I sent a check by postal mail?
Most companies pay within 1-2 weeks of completing a survey and will send payment via check or Paypal. Most companies will send a check by mail but keep in mind this will take longer to receive then digital payment.
9.) Does it matter where I live? Are the surveys open to everyone - even world wide?
Most paid survey opportunities require that you are at least 18 years of age, but other than that there are no specific requirements. Some companies will only accept survey takers in the USA, but most are looking for Survey takers from all over the world. Because of this, we have listed which companies are US only and which are International. This makes it easy to know which to apply to depending on where you live. We are the only company we know of that lists this information. We care about our customers and don't want you to waste your time. Time is money!
10.) Can I participate in the same surveys as others? Are there enough surveys to go around? Will surveys ever "run out"?
Yes, hundreds of people can, and will take the same survey. There are hundreds if not thousands of surveys available every day. Most surveys will require a very large amount of participates so there are always plenty of surveys to go around.
11.) How do I know this is not some SCAM? How do I know this is a legitimate employment offer?
We have been in business for five years and are going stronger than ever! In fact, there are many, many, more surveys and survey offers available today then when we first opened our business. The need for survey takers keeps rising and we need to fill the employment opportunities. If this was not a legitimate employment offer we would have been out of business long ago. Also, check our double or nothing money back guarantee. Scams don't offer such guarantees.
12.) Why is there a fee to join? charges a one time only registration fee because we only want serious job applicants filling out our surveys. If we allowed access to the surveys for free we would have "curiosity" applicants filling out survey applications that were not really serious about the surveys, and taking up applications intended for serious job applicants.
In the past we offered the program for free and found many surveys were not being completed and this pay could have gone to another, more reliable and serious survey taker. We want to weed out the "just curious" applicants from the "serious and reliable" survey employees.
Since a survey taker can easily make the application fee back in only about an hour online, we don't really see it as a fee, but a way to show you are serious about being an online survey taker.
13.) Is the $3.99 per month for 12 months registration fee one time only? Are there any other fees after the one time registration?
Yes, this $47.88 fee is for 12 months. There are no other hidden fees. If you wish to cancel your membership you may do it at any time. If you don't cancel it will automatically renew 12 months from now.
14.) Can't you just take the registration fee out of my first paycheck? I'll pay after I do my first survey.
As much as we would like to do that we just can't. The survey paychecks are sent directly by the company that conducts the survey for the specific product or company. Paychecks for the surveys are not sent directly from our office so there is no way for us to deduct the registration fee.
15.) I want to sign up! Is it safe to give my credit card information online?
YES! No matter what rumors you have heard it is MUCH safer to give your credit card information online than anywhere else. Unlike going to a restaurant or giving your credit card to the store clerk where strangers see your credit card number, authorization number and expiration date, no one at nor sees your credit card information.
As it states on's web site. uses Advanced Security -128 bit encryption processing.
Clickbank uses sophisticated international fraud control to screen all purchases. For maximum card security, all orders are sent directly to the banking network for immediate authorization. We do not store any credit card or bank account numbers.
This means the ONLY person who sees your credit card number, security pin, address, or expiration date is you and your bank. No credit card records are viewed or kept by Clickbank or
15.) What happens if I forget my access to log into the members area? Can I retrieve my access?
We will be happy to re send access if you lose it. After sign up you will be sent a Clickbank receipt to your email account confirming your registration . Please save this receipt just incase you need it to verify your purchase. You must forward us your entire Clickbank receipt to verify the purchase and then we will gladly re send your access

Don't let this 1 day sale opportunity pass you by!

This offer is valid only on June 20, 2013



ইনভেষ্ট ছাড়া অন লাইনে আয় (১০০% নিশ্চিত) না দেখলে মিস করবেন

মহান আল্লাহর নামে শুরু করছি। অনেক দিন পর লিখতে বসলাম। ভাবলাম একটি বিষয় আপনাদের না জানিয়ে পারছিনা। বিষয়টি হলো আপনারা যারা ইন্টারনেট নিয়ে কমবেশি ঘাটাঘাটি করেন তারা কমবেশি সবাই অনলাইনে আয় করতে আগ্রহী। কিন্তু ইন্টারনেটে আউটসোর্সিং ভিত্তিক যেসব সাইট আছে তার সবগুলোই ভূয়া। আমি নিজে অনেকগুলো সাইটে ট্রাই করে দেখেছি। অনেক খোজাখুজির পর এই সাইটটা পেয়েছি। ভাবলাম এটি সবার সাথে শেয়ার করি। তাই লিখতে বসা।
যাক এবার আসা যাক মূল কাজে। আমি আজ আপনাদের যে সাইটটির কথা বলব তার নাম হচ্ছে

Sunday, March 24, 2013

ফ্রি রেজিস্ট্রেশন করে প্রতিদিন ১ সেন্ট থেকে আয় করুন আনলিমিটেড। কোন ধোকাবাজি নেই!

কেমন আছেন সবাই। এটা আমার প্রথম টিউন। আমি একটা সাইটের সাথে আজ আপনাদের পরিচয় করিয়ে দিতে যাচ্ছি যেটা দিয়ে আপনি সত্তি সত্তি টাকা উপার্জন করতে পারবেন। আমরা তো অনেক বাক্স সাইটে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করে আয় করি, তাছাড়া কিছু পিটিসি সাইট তো আছেই সাথে। কিন্তু বাক্স এবং পিটিসি সাইট থেকে তো ২/৩ সেন্ট ওঠানো যায় না। কারন তাদের নিদ্রিষ্ট কিছু এ্যামাউন্ট থাকে যেটা পুরন না হলে আপনাকে কখনই টাকা ক্যাশআউট করতে দিবে না।
কিন্তু এই সাইট টা সম্পুর্ণ ভিন্ন।এখানে আপনি রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করার পর পরই এ্যাকাউন্ট এ্যাকটিভ করেই একটা মাত্র রেফার করলেই প্রতিদিন ১ সেন্ট করে পাবেন। যদিও এখানে ইনভেস্ট সিস্টেম রয়েছে তবে আমরা বাঙালি অত সহজেই কাউকে আমরা টাকা দেইনা। এজন্য আপনি যত রেফার করবেন আপনার ই তত লাভ । আমি প্রথমে বিশ্বাস করতে পারি নাই যে এটাতে কাজ হয়। তবে টাকা উইড্র দেবার পর বিশ্বাস হয়েছে। আপনাদের সুবিদার্থে আমি কিছু পেমেন্ট প্রুফের ছবি দিয়ে দিচ্ছি। সাথে আমার রেফার লিংকটা ও দিয়ে দিলাম। কারন এখানে রেফার ছাড়া রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করলেই আপনার ক্যাশ আউটের সময় ঝামেলা করে।
প্রতিটি রেফারে আপনি পাবেন ৫ ডলার করে ইনভেস্ট আর প্রতিদিনই তার ০.২% কমিশন। তাহলে দেরী না করে এখনই এখানে ক্লিক করুন।